Saturday, July 17, 2010

Women And Lolipops

" A Muslim woman, when they look into the mirror, they make sure they cover their aurah, they wear properly just to please Allah! Yeah! We are so unlike those women in the street who try very hard to attract men! Anyway, what for?...

Dear women, your beauty is exclusive.

YOU ARE NOT A DOLL - Being played by innocent HANDS up to " EVIL ONES' HANDS"...

YOU ARE NOT GONNA LET PEOPLE JUDGE YOU as to what they see that might be wrong as you are not contented with what you seem to be!

YOU ARE YOU! And yeah, God knows that and isn't that enough??? Do you still need people to tell you that you are pretty by exposing yourself?!

Trust me! You don't have to do that...


Here's a few lollipops for you...

You are unlike those unwrapped lollipops that will get rotten sooner or later, but you are like those lollipops that are nicely wrapped. People wanted to have lollipops and they surely not gonna buy those unwrapped ones. They surely wanted to have the 'wrapped' ones. It's just that they really have to put on some efforts to have the 'wrapped' lollipops because they are more 'expensive' than those 'unwrapped' lollipops...

You are not gonna to buy the unwrapped one, are you???...

Bear this in mind,









Dear sisters that I love for the sake of Allah, I'm writing this to show that I DO CARE ABOUT MY SISTERS IN ISLAM and those who seek for HIS GUIDANCE=the truth (May Allah guide them!). May we meet again in Jannah! Insha Allah.

Dihantar oleh : moslemische
Editor : Raidah

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Penjajah Zionis berhasrat menghancurkan 45 perkampungan arab di wilayah Negev (النقب )

June 9th, 2010 by admin

Rabu, 09/06/2010 – Badan “Kerajaan” Zionis yang disebut sebagai Jabatan Pembinaan dan skim Perumahan Zionis telah membuat persiapan untuk menghancurkan ribuan rumah Arab di wilayah Negev dalam rencananya untuk mengambil tindakan keras terhadap warga Palestin dan membina penempatan secara intensif. Perkara tersebut dilakukan atas dasar untuk melaksanakan pemindahan secara paksaan bagi penduduk, serta pembersihan etnik di wilayah Negev.

Ahli Parlimen Arab, dalam Kabinet Zionis (Knesset), Talab al-Sani`, membuat kenyataan dalam sidang media yang diterbitkan pada Isnin (06/07) bahawa Jabatan Perancangan dan Kejuruteraan di bawah Kementerian Zionis telah mengadakan lawatan lapangan di perkampungan Arab di wilayah Negev, dengan beberapa penyertaan dari kontraktor-kontraktor dalam rangka mengajukan permohonan untuk tender, selepas kerajaan Zionis mengumumkan bajet kewangan untuk melaksanakan rancangan mereka terhadap wilayah Negev dengan kedatangan satu juta pendatang Zionis ke wilayah tersebut.

Al-Sani` memberi amaran bahawa tindakan provokatif Zionis itu, akan menyebabkan tercetusnya “Intifadah (pemberontakan) tanah dan perumahan,” di Negev, serta meminta agar kerajaan penjajah mempertimbangkan kembali rancangannya.

sumber :
penterjemah : arif

UN urges Israel to ease WB blockades

Thu, 17 Jun 2010 12:59:45 GMT

An Israeli roadblock in the West Bank

The United Nations warns that Israel's easing of West Bank blockades is not sufficient and in many areas it has not created any improvement.

Philippe Lazzarini, head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Wednesday that the easing of roadblocks has been concentrated in central parts of the West Bank and that there is no improvement when it comes to the western and eastern areas, AFP reported.

"It hasn't improved when it comes to moving towards the west, towards East Jerusalem or Israel, and it hasn't improved at all when it comes to moving towards the east," Lazzarini stressed.

He noted that Israel has removed 121 checkpoints, but 505 others and dozens of road obstacles still hinder travel in the West Bank.

Due to the existence of vast Israeli military zones, areas near occupied and annexed East Jerusalem (Al-Quds), Jewish settlements and the heavily-guarded Jordan Valley are totally inaccessible for Palestinians, OCHA warned.

Israel captured the West Bank in the 1967 Six-Day War, a move that was never recognized by the international community. Palestinians seek the territory as a part of their future state.

UN resolutions stipulate that Israel must fully withdraw from the West Bank.

Israel cabinet votes to ease Gaza blockade

Thursday, 17 June 2010 10:23 Added by PT Editor Omar Ghraieb

Gaza, June 17, (Pal Telegraph – BBC) Israeli cabinet ministers have voted to ease the land blockade of the Gaza Strip and allow more civilian goods to enter the Palestinian territory.

The move comes after last month's Israeli commando raid on an aid flotilla attempting to break the blockade was widely condemned.

Nine Turkish activists died in the attack on the flotilla in international waters.

Pressure for an easing of the Gaza blockade intensified after the raid

Israel arrests a boy in Hebron, hands another a warrant

Thursday, 17 June 2010 10:55 Added by PT Editor Omar Ghraieb

Hebron, June 17, (Pal Telegraph) Israeli occupation forces arrested today a boy from the town of “Beit Amer”, north of Hebron, and handed over another kid a warrant to be present at the Israeli intelligence center, while a woman suffocated by the inhalation of tear gas after the IOF raided her house.

The spokesman of the Palestinian Solidarity Draft, Ayad Awad, said that a group of Israeli soldiers raided a house belonging to Hussein Hosni Za’aqiq and tampered with the contents of the house before arresting of his son, Mohammed (16 years), they also raided the home of Mohammad Abdel Hamid Abu Maria, his son Ammar is a student in high school, they handed Ammar a warrant to be present at the Israeli intelligence center.

He pointed to the suffocation of Feda’ Shihda Sabarneh (33 years), as a result of inhaling tear gas from the canisters that were thrown all over her home by Israeli soldiers, which called for her transfer to the medical center in the town for treatment.

In a related development, Israeli authorities released Saleh Mohamed Mostafa Ikhleel (28 years), after a 17-month arrest period.

Gazan boy gets shot by IOF

Wednesday, 16 June 2010 12:50 Added by PT Editor Omar Ghraieb

Gaza, June 16, (Pal Telegraph) Palestinian medical sources said today that a boy was transferred to a hospital in Gaza after being shot by Israeli gunfire while he was near Beit Hanoun’s border - Erez - northern Gaza Strip. Dr. Muawiya Hassanein, director general of Emergency sectors in Gaza’s hospitals, said that Wael Al-Kafarna (16) was shot in his right leg by the Israeli soldiers while passing near Beit Hanoun’s border and then was transferred to Kamal Adwan Hospital for treatment, Dr. Hassanein said that the boy’s injury is moderate.

Israeli occupation soldiers firs gunshots at every moving thing in all directions at a distant of few hundred meters from this border, as well as the electronic wire on the eastern border of the strip.

Fakta Tembok Keluli Gaza


Tembok keluli yang digunapakai oleh Mesir hampir menyerupai konsepnya dengan
Sheet Pile Wall. Sheet Pile Wall ialah salah satu daripada pelbagai Tembok Penahan yang digunakan di Malaysia. Berikut ialah beberapa gambar berkaitan tembok penahan di sekitar lebuhraya di Malaysia.

Sheet Pile Wall ialah tembok cerucuk yang seringkali digunapakai dalam industri pembinaan, buat untuk menahan benteng-benteng yang dikorek, bagi mengelakkan tanah runtuh. Ianya mampu menahan tekanan bumi yang tinggi (high earth pressure) terutama sekali di kawasan tanah yang lembut. Kekuatannya terletak pada bahan dan ikatan diantara keluli dengan keluli yang lain. Sheet Pile Wall bukan sahaja terdapat dalam bentuk keluli (turut dikenali sebagai anchor sheet steel pile), tetapi boleh didapati dalam bentuk konkrit yang dibentuk di kilang. Kenapa dipanggil 'Sheet', ianya disebabkan kerana bentuknya seperti helaian kertas. Berikut merupakan sedikit gambar berkaitan sheet pile.

Sama bukan sepertimana yang dibina di Mesir, cuma yang bezanya adalah bahan yang digunakan.


Kelebihan menggunakan Sheet Pile ini adalah ianya mudah dipasang (tidak mengambil masa yang lama) dan murah. Cukup sekadar menanam cerucuk berkenaan di dalam tanah menggunakan kuasa hidraul atau hentakan. Teknik penanaman cerucuk ini menggunakan konsep 'jingsaw' - mengunci di antara satu sama lain. Kebiasaannya, cerucuk ini dipasang sebagai struktur sementara (tiada nilai estetik) sebelum struktur yang kekal siap sepenuhnya. Namun demikian, ada juga yang menjadikan sheet pile ini sebagai struktur tetap.

Kenapa Mesir membina tembok berkenaan? Mesir menyatakan pembinaan tembok keluli itu adalah satu keputusan untuk mempertahankan kedaulatan yang bertujuan menghalang penyeludupan dadah menerusi terowong di bawah sempadan yang digali secara haram dan digunakan untuk menyeludup pelbagai bekalan dan senjata. Ulama Jordan melihat tembok berkenaan akan memburukkan lagi sekatan yang sedang dilaksanakan Israel ke atas Semenanjung Gaza dengan menghalang kemasukan bekalan makanan dan ubat-ubatan yang dibawa menerusi terowong rahsia berkenaan.

Prof. Dr. Yusuf Qaradhawi menyifatkan pembinaan tembok pemisah itu adalah 'haram di sisi syarak'. Tambah beliau lagi, "Benar, Mesir bebas dan haknya untuk membuat keputusan setiap yang berkaitan dengan kedaulatannya tetapi Mesir tidak berhak memberi bantuan yang berupa membunuh jiran malah saudaranya sendiri (penduduk Palestin di Gaza)". Tegas beliau, perkara seumpama ini tidak wajar bagi sebuah Negara Arab yang berhukum dengan undang-undang kebangsaan Arab, sekalipun ia Negara Islam, biarlah di atas semangat persaudaraan Islam dan atas nama kemanusiaan lagi wajib sebagai saudara sesama manusia.

Tembok pemisah

Dinding kezaliman

Ya Allah, bantulah para saudara kami di bumi Gaza.

Bebaskanlah bumi Palestin daripada cengkaman musuh Zionis !

Oleh : Asyraf
Editor : almusafirq8

Monday, July 12, 2010


Mungkin pada sepasang matanya yang hening yang selalu menjeling tajam atau yang kadang kala malu-malu memberikan kerlingan manja. Boleh jadi pada bibirnya yang tak jemu-jemu menyerlahkan senyuman manis, atau yang sekali-sekala memberikan kucupan mesra di dahi umi juga, ayah, suami dan pipi munggil anak-anak. Atau mungkin juga pada hilai tawanya yang gemersik dan suara manjanya yang boleh melembut sekaligus melembutkan perasaan.

Sejuta perkataan belum cukup untuk menceritakan kecantikan perempuan. Sejuta malah berjuta-juta kali ganda perkataan pun masih belum cukup untuk mendefinisikan tentang keindahan perempuan. Kitalah perempuan itu. Panjatkan kesyukuran kehadrat Tuhan kerana menjadikan kita perempuan dan memberikan keindahan-keindahan itu. Namun, betapa pun dijaga, dipelihara, dibelai dan ditatap di hadapan cermin saban waktu, tiba masanya segalanya akan pergi jua. Wajah akan suram, mata akan kelam. Satu sahaja yang tidak akan dimamah usia, sifat keperempuanan yang dipupuk dengan iman dan ibadah.

Anda ingin lebih cantik dan menarik??

# Jadikanlah Ghadhdul Bashar (menundukkan pandangan) sebagai "hiasan mata" anda, nescaya akan semakin bening dan jernih.

# Oleskan "lipstik kejujuran" pada bibir anda, nescaya akan semakin manis.

# Gunakanlah "pemerah pipi" anda dengan kosmetik yang terbuat dari rasa malu yang dibuat dari salon Iman.

# Pakailah "sabun Istighfar" yang menghilangkan semua dosa dan kesalahan yang anda lakukan.

# Rawatlah rambut anda dengan "Selendang Islami" yang akan menghilangkan kelemumur pandangan lelaki yang merbahayakan.

# Hiasilah kedua tangan anda dengan gelang Tawadhu' dan jari-jari anda dengan cincin Ukhuwwah.

# Sebaik-baiknya kalung anda adalah kalung "kesucian".

# Bedaklah wajah anda dengan "air Wudhu" nescaya akan bercahaya di akhirat
oleh : zatyrainz

Pengakuan Lelaki Terhadap Wanita
oleh : everjihad


Kami sulit menahan pandangan mata kami
ketika melihat kalian,
apalagi jika kalian diamanahkan Allah
kecantikan dan postur yand ideal,
kami semakin susah untuk menolak agar tidak melihat kalian,
kerana itu lebarkanlah serta longgarkanlah pakaian kalian
dan tutupilah rambut hingga ke dada kalian dengan kerudung yang membentang.

Kami sulit menahan pendengaran kami
ketika berbicara dengan kalian,
apalagi jika kalian diamanahkan oleh Allah
suara yang merdu dengan irama yang mendayu
kerana itu tegaskanlah suara kalian
tatkala berbicara di berhadapan dengan kami
dan berbicaralah seperlunya sahaja.

Kami juga sulit menahan
bayangan-bayangan hati kalian,
ketika kalian dapat menjadi
tempat untuk dicurahkan segala isi hati kami,
waktu luang kami kadangkala akan sering terisi
oleh bayangan-bayangan kalian,
kerana itu janganlah kalian membiarkan kami
menjadi curahan hati bagi kalia

Kami tahu kami insan lemah
bila harus berhadapan dengan kalian,
kekerasan hati kami dengan mudah bisa luluh
hanya dengan senyum kalian,
hati kami akan bergetar
ketika mendengar dan melihat kalian menangis.

Sungguh ALLAH telah memberikan amanah terindah kepada kalian,
maka jagalah amanah itu
jangan sampai ALLAH murka dan memberikan keputusan-Nya.

Maha Besar dan Maha Suci Allah yang tahu
akan kelemahan hati kami ini,
hanya dengan ikatan yang suci dan yang diredhai-NYA,
kalian akan menjadi halal bagi kami.

"LAlu apa yang telah aku lakukan selama ini..YA Rabb, ampunilah daku.
Untuk setiap pandangan yang tak terjaga,
untuk iman yang tak dipelihara,
lisan yang merayu dan hati yang tak terhijab,

Ya Rabb, Engkaulah mengawasi kami setiap detik,
kerana kasih sayangMu ya Allah kepada kami,
Engkau perintahkanlah malaikan silih berganti
menemani kami siang dan malam
agar iman kami dapat dijaga..

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Letter From A Christian to Muslim Women
dihantar oleh: asmath264
editor: deynarashid

I see you as precious gems, pure gold, or the “pearl of great value” spoken of in the Bible (Matthew 13: 45). All women are pearls of great value, but some of us have been deceived into doubting the value of our purity.

Jesus said: “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you” (Matthew 7: 6).

Our pearls are priceless, but they convince us that they’re cheap. But trust me; there is no substitute for being able to look in the mirror and seeing purity, innocence and self-respect staring back at you.

The fashions coming out of the Western sewer are designed to make you believe that your most valuable asset is your sexuality. But your beautiful dresses and veils are actually sexier than any Western fashion, because they cloak you in mystery and show self-respect and confidence.

A woman’s sexuality should be guarded from unworthy eyes, since it should be your gift to the man who loves and respects you enough to marry you. And since your men are still manly warriors, they deserve no less than your best.

Our men don’t even want purity anymore. They don’t recognize the pearl of great value, opting for the flashy rhinestone instead. Only to leave her too!

Your most valuable assets are your inner beauty, your innocence, and everything that makes you who you are. But I notice that some Muslim women push the limit and try to be as Western as possible, even while wearing a veil (with some of their hair showing).

Why imitate women who already regret, or will soon regret, their lost virtue? There is no compensation for that loss.

You are flawless diamonds. Don’t let them trick you into becoming rhinestones. Because everything you see in the fashion magazines and on Western television is a lie. It is Satan’s trap. It is fool’s gold.

A Woman’s Heart

I’ll let you in on a little secret, just in case you’re curious: pre-marital sex is not even that great. We gave our bodies to the men we were in love with, believing that that was the way to make them love us and want to marry us, just as we had seen on television growing up.

But without the security of marriage and the sure knowledge that he will always stay with us, it’s not even enjoyable! That’s the irony. It was just a waste. It leaves you in tears.

Speaking as one woman to another, I believe that you understand that already. Because only a woman can truly understand what’s in another woman’s heart. We really are all alike.

Our race, religion or nationalities do not matter. A woman’s heart is the same everywhere. We love. That’s what we do best. We nurture our families and give comfort and strength to the men we love.

But we American women have been fooled into believing that we are happiest having careers, our own homes in which to live alone, and freedom to give our love away to whomever we choose. That is not freedom. And that is not love.

Only in the safe haven of marriage can a woman’s body and heart be safe to love. Don’t settle for anything less. It’s not worth it. You won’t even like it and you’ll like yourself even less afterwards. Then he’ll leave you.


Sin never pays. It always cheats you. Even though I have reclaimed my honor, there’s still no substitute for having never been dishonored in the first place.

We Western women have been brainwashed into thinking that you Muslim women are oppressed. But truly, we are the ones who are oppressed; slaves to fashions that degrade us, obsessed with our weight, begging for love from men who do not want to grow up.

Deep down inside, we know that we have been cheated. We secretly admire and envy you, although some of us will not admit it.

Please do not look down on us or think that we like things the way they are. It’s not our fault. Most of us did not have fathers to protect us when we were young because our families have been destroyed. You know who is behind this plot.

Don’t be fooled, my sisters. Don’t let them get you too. Stay innocent and pure. We Christian women need to see what life is really supposed to be like for women. We need you to set the example for us, because we are lost. Hold onto your purity.

Remember: you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. So guard your “toothpaste” carefully! I hope you receive this advice in the spirit in which it is intended: the spirit of friendship, respect, and admiration.

From your Christian sister 'with love'.